EXPERT OPINION: Technical achievements in graphic design and printing, combined with digital technologies, have already brought fantastic outcome

Andrii Medvediev, Chief Technical Officer of PRINTSTORE GROUP:

Suffice it to look around to prove that advertising printed materials are everywhere. They are unlikely to vanish, at least, in our life nowadays. Neither in future life.

Day and night, producers look for new opportunities of establishing effective communication with their customers and engage them into relationship with the brand. An ultimate goal of theirs is to form a positive attitude of a consumer towards goods or services and stay loyal to the brand. Electronic communication media are, by all means, effective and reasonably hold an important place in the toolkit of marketing consultants. However, it cannot go unnoticed that for effective communication with consumers there are still actively used printed materials. Including ‎catalogues‬‬.


In the era of modern marketing, synergy of the Internet and the print grows into much more complicated process. Printed production continues to be an instrument in creating the flow of online users.
Try to recall when you last saw a magazine advertisement, catalogue, notice board, poster or placard, without providing a website address or email therein? The combination of traditional and digital marketing today provides for a comprehensive communication strategy that carries consumers away into the world of brands. Still, a producer certainly wants his client to be fully satisfied.

The way of thinking of producers is going to change. With such a variety of printed catalogues, consumers have an opportunity to make a fantastic journey that starts off by reading an ad, till the moment when they open the package and finally obtain the purchased goods, ordered in the Internet.

Technical achievements in graphic design and printing, combined with digital technologies, have already brought fantastic outcome, and keep up evolving at a fast pace.

Receipt of goods is associated with our childhood when we were presented with various gifts. Impatient excitement and even the feeling of rising excitement is enough for our imagination to make us lose control while selecting and ordering any cherished object. It is exactly an effect which producers seek to achieve. And among the means that will help consumer fall into euphoria there will always be a place for printed materials.