EXPERT OPINION: On Guard for Quality

Borys Gurtovyi, Pre-Print Department, Printstore Group:

To ensure top quality, details are important; for printers it means to start with a layout. A layout should not and can not be a dirty copy or a rough sketch, therefore the printing company that wants to provide its client with the best quality service, always wishes to help bring the client’s idea to the finished product.


If the client has no layout (or has just a draft copy), the printer consults him, points out the problem areas in the work of their layout designer, thereby helping to create the correct layout suitable for printing. In this case, it is a client’s layout designer, who is responsible for finishing his work.

Sometimes, a client has only a sketch; if so, the printer can offer his services in the preparation of a final layout and design optimization. Never underestimate the importance of the quality of the materials provided (photos, graphics) – to be printed, they need to comply with all technical parameters. In some cases, printers have to “roll out the big guns” represented by the “multi-armed universal printer with designer skills” who is able to make the necessary adjustments into either a PDF or a raster image and, if necessary, intervene not only cosmetically.

The concept of “one can print out of anything” should be rejected by both the client and the executor, as you are likely to end up with a low-quality product, which you will not be definitely proud of. Such a product, in the long run, can hit the reputation of both parties.